Wallis Annenberg has announced that the Photo Space will not be re-opening. Read her letter of appreciation on the closing of a chapter in Los Angeles.
Photo by: Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher
Carol Beckwith & Angela Fisher
Thirty-five years ago, American-born Carol Beckwith and Australian Angela Fisher met in Kenya and began a relationship with the African continent, journeying over 270,000 miles, through 40 countries and recording 150 African cultures.
The two photographers produced 15 acclaimed books. Their defining body of work, the double volume African Ceremonies, is a pan-African study of rituals and rites of passage from birth to death, covering 93 ceremonies from 26 countries. This publication won the United Nations Award for Excellence for its “vision and understanding of the role of cultural traditions in the pursuit of world peace.” Their latest book, Painted Bodies: African Body Painting, Tattoos and Scarification, is a pan-African Study of the art of body painting that focuses on the oldest art form of decorating the body.
As of November 17, 2012