Generation Wealth by Lauren Greenfield
Apr 08, 2017 - Aug 13, 2017

VR Tour

View the Virtual Reality Tour of GENERATION WEALTH as presented in the Photo Space from April through August, 2017.

GENERATION WEALTH by Lauren Greenfield examines the influence of affluence over the last 25 years, illustrating the globalization of materialism, celebrity culture and social status. This timely, thought-provoking collection explores how “keeping up with the Joneses” has become Keeping Up with the Kardashians, magnifying the aspirational gap between what we want and what we can afford. The exhibit is not about the rich, but the pervasive desire for more.

Lauren Greenfield is an internationally acclaimed, Emmy Award®-winning filmmaker and photographer who is considered a preeminent chronicler of consumerism, youth culture and gender identity. Her third collaboration with the Annenberg Space for Photography and first solo show, this exhibit is a revelatory cultural exploration that presents 195 color-saturated prints, 42 riveting first-person interviews and the accompanying multimedia projections and short films.

GENERATION WEALTH by Lauren Greenfield was also featured at the International Center of Photography, New York, NY and at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway.

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