Wallis Annenberg has announced that the Photo Space will not be re-opening. Read her letter of appreciation on the closing of a chapter in Los Angeles.
Alexis Rodriguez-Duarte & Tico Torres:
Two Cubans and a Camera
Aired On: Dec 14, 2017
Alexis Rodriguez-Duarte and his husband, Tico Torres, have worked together for over 30 years. They discuss the “Cubanidad” (or “Cuban-ness”) that is reflected in their photos and how, as Cuban-Americans, they’ve never forgotten their Cuban roots, even while being raised in the United States. They show and discuss images from their ongoing project of nearly 24 years, Cuba Out of Cuba, their documentation of the Cuban diaspora as they live and thrive outside the island.
Click here to watch the full lecture.

Alexis Rodríguez-Duarte & Tico Torres
Alexis Rodríguez-Duarte and Tico Torres have been documenting the Cuban diaspora since 1993 for a portrait series entitled, Cuba Out of Cuba. The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery now has a portfolio of 18 portraits from the Cuba Out of Cuba series in their permanent collection. Torres, a fashion stylist who is a…

Revealing complexities both on and off the island, Cuba Is explores aspects of Cuba not easily accessed by foreigners, and sometimes not even by Cubans themselves.