Digital Darkroom
Dec 17, 2011 - May 28, 2012

Digital Darkroom featured the work of 17 artists from around the world, exploring the intersection of art and technology. Each artist is a master of different types of digital techniques: compositing highly layered imagery, working in 3D and lenticular imaging, meticulously stitching together images, using lighting in highly inventive ways, and so on.

The exhibit presented an interesting juxtaposition of young artists immersed in digital work against Jerry Uelsmann, a master of darkroom compositing techniques. The artists came from a range of backgrounds, each specializing in fine art, commercial art, portraiture, still life, fashion, architectural or other types of photographic and illustrative expression. Many of these artists cross genres and combine multiple techniques to create their unique work.

Digital Darkroom was comprised of an 80-image print show with 2-6 images contributed by each of the featured photographers. Hundreds of additional images from Digital Darkroom‘s photographers were also be showcased on two high-resolution screens in the Photography Space’s Digital Gallery.

Digital Darkroom was also featured at the Art Museum of South Texas.


Stories Behind the Photographs

Iris Nights Presenters

Slideshow Night Photographers

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